Facts about Tea!

These facts about tea are amazing. Its history, development, purpose and relevance on this planet are simply mind blowing.  I hope that as a lover of all things tea, you will enjoy these facts that I have dug up as some of the most interesting things you’ve heard in a while.

-Tea is the second most consumed beverage on the planet…water being first.

-Tea is in almost every culture in the world, and has been enjoyed for 5000 years!

– All tea is made from the same plant.

– Although there are 3000 varieties of the bush, there are 4 main types of tea and they are, white, green, oolong and black.

-Tea originated in China when tea leaves accidentally blew into some boiling water.

-Originally drank for medicinal purposes, tea is rich in antioxidants which help our immune system.

-Tea can help stop infection and help weight loss.

India is the world’s largest producer of tea and is also the worlds most consumed tea.

Tea has about ½ the caffeine of coffee.

-A process called “rinsing” tea leaves can remove a substantial amount of the caffeine.

-You can brew 200 cups of tea from 1lb of loose-leaf tea, making it one of the most economical beverages found.

-You can and should reuse loose tea leaves.

-80% of tea served in the United States is Iced tea!

With our company, CoffeeAM, being located in the heart of Georgia, we can certainly attest to that last fact! I love that tea is about all things good! It’s inexpensive, its delicious, it’s healthy and its another thing that the whole planet has in common. What a great thought as we reach for our next cup of tea…that thousands of people across the globe are doing the very same thing at the very same time for the very same purpose…  To Enjoy!

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